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Vale Encantado, Rio de Janeiro

Venha conhecer a comunidade do Vale Encantado, habitada por trabalhadores e donos de plantações de café, que habitam a região desde 1860. Conecte-se a comunidade que vive ao lado de uma das maiores florestas urbanas do mundo e venha se deliciar com o jacalhau, culinária autêntica local.


Descrição do produto

Join us for a special opportunity to interact with a community from the 18th century right in the middle of Rio.  Known locally as the community of the Enchanted Valley, this group stems from a long line of coffee growers, and has thrived in one of the world´s largest cities while keeping their original culture in tact.

The Enchanted Valley definitely lives up  to it´s name, and the tour includes a free lunch of authentic local cuisine, a nature hike, and plenty of opportunities for selfies and photos in this magical place.

Don´t miss your chance to enjoy this one-of-a kind experience !